Saturday, July 3, 2010

"If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You" Book Review!

 Some call her a man, others call her a bitch, I on the other hand call her a GENIUS! Kelly Cutrone is one of a dying species in the world, a woman who believes in herself as well as other people. Kelly is known for her appearances in MTV shows like The Hills and The City, where she mentors the young characters to successful endings; and in her book she does just that for her readers. Too many times in life we doubt our decision making and are too afraid of what could happen. Kelly takes that fear and slams it right in the face!
    In Kelly's new book, she teaches readers to follow their instincts and turn life into a journey. With her no nonsense type of language, she tells women everywhere to be "ballbusting"! After reading the book I felt the faith in myself and my career revitalized. In her book she tells her story, a story of drugs, rehab, divorce, and even homelessness. 
    This book is perfect for all women who are making changes in their lives and are trying to pursue their dreams.  Also, she speaks a lot about fashion PR, so anyone who has a particular interest in fashion PR will find this to be a wealth of knowledge. Chapter 8 in the book, titled "If you have to cry, go outside", is made for the future public relations professional. She goes into great detail about what will make you success, from how to dress, to how to take a phone message.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is unsure about their journey at the moment!
"The more successful you become, the more people will project their fears and hatred onto you" Kelly Cutrone 

5 Bean Books out of 5!

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